Hydrogeological Investigations AllAquifer TestingGeological Cross SectionGroundwater PlumeWell Design Installation and MonitoringAquifer Test Analysis using Theis Method (Credit: Groundwater Manual, US Bur. of Reclamation, 1995)Aquifer Test Analysis using constant drawdown solution (Credit: Groundwater Manual, US Bur. of Reclamation, 1995)Aquifer Test Analysis using Neuman Method (Credit: Groundwater Manual, US Bur. of Reclamation, 1995) Groundwater Monitoring Program(Credit:NJDEP, Site Remediation Program, April 3, P. 212) Geological Cross-section showing groundwater monitoring wells, (Credit: CARWQCB-LA, SCP Case No. 218 Report dated May 22, 2020 submitted by GE&R)Typical Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation (Credit: CARWQCB-LA, SCP Case No. 218 Report dated May 22, 2020 submitted by GE&R)Typical water supply well installation, (Credit: The Roscoe Moss Company, Handbook of Ground Water Development, 1990)Geological Cross-Section Based On Boring Logs and Geophysical LogsSoil and Groundwater Contamination by Chlorinated Solvents and PetroleumGroundwater Plume impacting water supply well, (Credit: Dr. A.J.B. Cohen, with permission)Aquifer Test analysis using Jacob"s straight line solution (Credit: Groundwater Manual, US Bur. of Reclamation, 1995)Step Drawdown Test Analysis (Credit: Kruseman, G.P. & de Ridder,N.A.,"Analaysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data", 1994, P.203.)Capture Zones of Remediation wells in the Groundwater VOC PlumeComposite Groundwater VOC Plume, USEPA San Gabriel Superfund SiteComposite PCE concentration in groundwater plume, Omega Superfund Site