Site Investigations Cleanup Oversight Review LLC

Our Services

Technical Review of Draft Documents related to Environmental / Hydrogeological Investigations and Remediation
Technical Review of Draft Documents related to Environmental / Hydrogeological Investigations and Remediation

Review, comment, and discuss workplans, technical reports of investigations, remedial action plans, remedial designs reports, remedial progress reports, groundwater monitoring reports, groundwater modeling reports for commercial and industrial sites, state and USEPA superfund sites, and DoD sites with soil, soil vapor, and groundwater contamination, before submittal to the California Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Waterboards), California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), USEPA, California Department of Water Resources (DWR), California Department of Drinking Water (DDW), in compliance with the regulatory agency requirements.

Hydrogeological Investigations and Oversight
Hydrogeological Investigations and Oversight

Field Investigations and Oversight – hydrogeological investigations – oversee drilling and borehole logging; soil, soil vapor, and groundwater sampling; geophysical logging; design and installation of groundwater monitoring, injection and remediation wells, multi-depth nested soil vapor probes, and water supply wells; performance of slug, step drawdown and constant discharge aquifer tests and analysis.

Remediation Systems Operation Oversight and Analysis
Remediation Systems Operation Oversight and Analysis
  • Oversee remedial excavation and confirmation soil sampling
  • LNAPL and dissolved phase removal from petroleum refineries and terminals.
  • Optimally design screen intervals and remedial well spacing.
  • Evaluate analytical data for progress of soil vapor extraction, air sparging, and groundwater extraction and remedial injection systems; evaluate influent and effluent sampling data from fluidized bed reactor, liquid granular activated carbon systems; evaluate groundwater analytical data for effectiveness of ERD with dehalcoccoides amendments, remedial injection of emulsified vegetable oil solutions for VOCs, remedial injection of calcium polysulfide in soil and groundwater for hexavalent chromium (CrVI).
  • Evaluate groundwater-contaminant plume extent, migration, containment, remediation, and impacts to nearby water supply wells using groundwater elevation contour maps, contaminant isoconcentration maps, and stratigraphic and structural cross-sections.
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment

Assess risk of exposure of site contaminants in groundwater, soil and soil vapor intrusion to onsite workers; offsite residents and businesses; and water supply wells based on evaluation of lab analytical results of onsite and offsite samples.

Litigation Support and Representation in Meetings
Litigation Support and Representation in Meetings
  • Review site documents for contaminated sites and assist site owners, attorneys, and consultants in meetings with the USEPA, California Waterboards, DTSC, DDW, DWR, and other state / local agencies.
  • Evaluate the quality and extent of site investigations and remediation progress for banks and insurance companies that finance contaminated sites.
Public Participation
Public Participation

Review reports and data from contaminated sites and evaluate offsite impacts of sites on adjacent properties. Represent public, offsite residential and commercial property owners, and cities impacted with vapor intrusion and groundwater contamination in meetings with responsible parties, regulatory agencies, and stakeholders.

Hydrogeological Analysis and Reporting of Contaminated Sites and Groundwater Basins
Hydrogeological Analysis and Reporting of Contaminated Sites and Groundwater Basins

Use reliable site data from boring logs, grain size analysis, geophysical logs, surveyed elevations, sample analytical results by the state-certified environmental laboratories, to design groundwater monitoring, injection, and extraction wells, and water supply wells; determine extent of aquifers, and evaluate basin-wide groundwater water quality. Prepare technical reports based on site data from field investigations, soil vapor and groundwater monitoring, and remedial progress oversight. Following graphics, and analyses may be included in the reports:

  • Groundwater elevation contour maps with flow directions
  • Boring logs, well design diagrams, site survey data
  • Lab analytical data
  • Isoconcentration maps for selected significant contaminants in soil, soil vapor, and groundwater
  • Stratigraphic and structural cross-sections, isopach maps, and structural contour maps
  • Analysis of aquifer test data to determine aquifer properties, optimum pumping rate and drawdown, well capacity, and new well spacing.
  • Review of groundwater flow and transport modeling reports, if applicable.
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