Site Investigations Cleanup Oversight Review LLC

Mohammad M. Zaidi
Principal Hydrogeologist & Senior-Level Consultant
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
Strategic & Tactical Planning
Project Management
Superior Problem-Solving
Water Resources Assessment
Groundwater Modeling Review
Aquifer Test & Geophysical Log Analyses
Reporting & Documentation
Coalition Building

State of California-licensed Professional Geologist (PG) and Certified Hydrogeologist (CHG) with 10 years hands-on problem-solving experience with major environmental consulting firms followed by 21 years regulatory oversight experience with the California Regional water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region.

  • Applies 32 years’ hands-on environmental industry consulting and regulatory experience, and relationships including 21 years as a LA-RWQCB distinguished case-officer and manager.
  • Applies expertise in effective project management and direction of site investigations and remediation, hydrogeological basin analysis, water resources assessment, and litigation support. 
  • Provide expert technical and regulatory advice to internal and external clients on hydrogeological investigations and remediation of contaminated complex industrial, DoD, and CERCLA sites potentially impacting water resources. 
  • Exhibit principled leadership in decision-making, motivating multidisciplinary teams to do their best work, and creating values-driven culture. 
  • Apply sound technical assessments, critical thinking skills, and deep insight to devise innovative solutions for site-specific issues. 
  • Collaborate and coordinate with Federal agencies, State and local governments, legal teams, and private sector organizations to achieve shared goals and build consensus. 
  • Articulate communicator and presenter with hands-on experience facilitating 100+ on- and off-site meetings for diverse array of stakeholders. 
CA Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB)
9/1999 – 11/2020
6/2001 – 11/2020

Performed thorough technical review and analysis of site work plans, RI/FS, Remedial Action Plans and Designs (RAP/RD), and remediation, groundwater monitoring, and closure reports submitted by Responsible Party (RP) consultants. Evaluated documents for compliance with regulatory requirements. Drafted Regional Board (RB) orders presenting viable site-specific solutions supported by sound data and reasoning. Oversaw implementation of RB orders, monitored and communicated progress, and provided ongoing guidance to RPs on numerous hydrogeologically complex industrial, Brownfield, Department of Defense, and Superfund sites. Collaborated and coordinated with United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), State and local agencies, and water purveyors on progress of investigation and cleanup of contaminated sites in San Fernando Valley Groundwater Basin Superfund Area, NASA JPL, Omega, and Pemaco Superfund Sites. 

  • Secured 100% approval from RB management and attorneys and >90% acceptance by contaminated site owners and highly experienced and licensed consultants and legal experts to launch technically refined solutions.
  • Obtained Project Manager endorsement by Executive Officer (EO) of RB for 100+ letters drafted for assigned sites.   
  • SCP4_MZ_218_Hi-Shear_Comments on Module II Report_102020 Final.pdf (
  • RB Comments on Tesoro 6-29-18, 7-30-18, 8-1-18 ltrs and PS GW Data, Marathon East Hynes Site SCP-211, 2-11-2019.pdf (
  • 0348 Comments on RAP – RD dated Oct. 31, 2005 033006.pdf (  
  • Utilized advanced analytical, decision-making, and interpersonal skills to increase site investigations involving CRWQCB required lateral and vertical extent of soil and groundwater contamination from 30% to 80% and remediation from 20% to 50%.  
  • Partnered closely with CA Deputy Attorney General to compose directive explaining deficiencies of RAP/RD resulting in Dismissal of Petition from an RP. Directed revised RAP installation of 56 injection wells and subsurface injection of vegetable oil and calcium polysulfide in on- and off-site portions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hexavalent chromium (CrVI) plumes that reduced contaminant concentrations by 95%. 
  • Uncovered sources of CrVI groundwater contamination in South Gate wells in the Water Replenishment District (WRD) area. Proposed replacing previous collection of groundwater from multiple aquifers by single well with undedicated screen intervals with a discrete production well screened in each aquifer. Changes prompted identification and isolation of contaminated zones in shallow aquifers, facilitation of groundwater monitoring and remediation of impacted zones, and prevention or decline of migration of shallow contamination to deeper clean aquifers.
  • Acknowledged for excellent performance as Project Manager in 2005 for contribution to brownfields redevelopment of the former 23-acre Price Pfister site into a safe multi-store shopping center.
STORM WATER UNIT6/2000 – 6/2001

Operated as Region-4 Project Manager for CALTRANS activities. Wrote NOVs for LADWP and CALTRANS and supplemented  ACLSs for non-compliance of General Industrial Storm Water Permit. Inspected construction, industrial, and CALTRANS facilities. Engaged in discussions with stakeholders and industry and environmental groups to consider feedback and resolve concerns prior to finalization and adoption of Ventura County MS4 Permit. 

NPDES AND NON-CHAPTER 15 UNIT9/1999 – 6/2000

Conducted Wastewater Treatment Plant inspections at multiple secondary and tertiary facilities. Scrutinized EIRs and wastewater facility design, hydrogeologic investigation, and self-monitoring reports. Appraised wastewater quality, identified WDR and NPDES permit and Water Code violations, and took appropriate informal or formal enforcement actions. Rescinded cease and desist order and renewed expired NPDES permits and WDRs. Assessed effectiveness of groundwater monitoring program at POTWs discharging secondary effluent to percolation ponds. 

  • Gained management buy-in to add hydraulically upgradient and downgradient monitoring wells within 100 feet of ponds to protect underlying groundwater quality. 
OHM Remediation Services, Inc. (later merged with The IT Group)

Headed application of specialized tasks at nine military bases in Southern CA and AZ for several delivery orders ranging from $2 to $5M under United States Navy Southwest Division Remedial Action Contract.

US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

Sole Hydrogeologist with Geotechnical Engineering Branch of USACE New England Division. Reviewed RI/FS reports, RAPs, remedial designs, O&M plans, and groundwater modeling studies for seven superfund sites. Delivered scientific evaluations to USEPA, state regulatory agencies, and USGS and USACE senior staff members.

  • Received Official Commendation from Department of Army, New England Division Engineering Directorate for excellent performance as Hydrogeologist.
Tetra Tech, Inc

Instrumental in project management of remedial investigations of five IRP sites from start to finish at Vandenberg, AFB.

11/2010 – 01/2011

Researched and authored questions for Certified Hydrogeologist licensing Exam as part of Writing Group serving CA Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists.

West Virginia University
University of Punjab
University of Houston
University of Houston

Additional coursework in ordinary and partial differential equations, complex variables, and linear algebra; geophysics; hydrogeology; and hazardous waste management.

  • Aquifer Test Analysis | Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers| Columbus, OH
  • Modeling Ground Water Flow Using Finite Difference Methods | USGS
  • IBM PC Applications in Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology | National Groundwater Association
  • Groundwater Modeling | California State University| Northridge, CA
  • Visual MODFLOW | National Ground Water Association | Salem, MA
  • Characterizing, Predicting, and Modeling Water from Mine Sites | SWRCB | Rancho Cordova, CA 


State of California | #6002


State of California | #842

Certified Small Business (CA) | 2037866

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